Information About Our Environment to Help with Homework Assignments

Climate Kids: NASA's Eyes on the Earth: Games, Big Questions about Our Environment: What does global climate change mean? What's the big deal with carbon? What is the greenhouse effect? How do we know the climate is changing? What is happening in the oceans? What can we do to help? What else do we need to find out? Climate Tales, Earth Now Educator Resources, Climate Time Machine, Green Careers, Planet Health Report, Oceans of Climate Change

Environmental Protection Agency: Videos about the Environment

National Wildlife Federation for Kids: Activities which teach about water, wetlands, endangered species, and our public lands; Index located at TOP of page

PlanetPals: Planetpals teaches kids to love our planet and everything in it in a fun way through activities, crafts, games, fast facts, and a monthly newsletter.

Our Environment Topics to Help with Homework Assignments

EducaPoles: The International Polar Foundation's educational site; site's purpose is to sets out to sensitize young people and the educational world to the importance of the Polar Regions and of climate change by offering educational resources

EnvoroLink: A non-profit organization which has been providing access to thousands of online environmental resources since 1991.

Plabet Earth Facts

Video: Population and the Environment the Global Challenge: Facts, information about the health of our environment

Our Environment: Biomes of the World- Overviews and Facts
World Biomes - Overview and Facts
Introduction to Biomes VIDEO - EXCELLENT! Video: Explore the Biomes of the World
Enchanted Learning: for Younger Students: Biomes MBGnet: Biomes of the World
Ecosystems, Biomes, and Habitats Biomes of the World
Video: World Habitats Tour of the World's Biomes
Video: Land Biomes 5 of the Major Biomes
Major Biomes of the World for Kids The World's Biomes

Our Environment: Conservation : Kids Saving the Earth
Kids for Saving the Earth 40 Unexpected Ways You Can Help the Environment Right Now

Our Environment: Conservation Agencies Organizations Dedicated to Preserving the Environment
Agencies Dedicated to Saving Our Environment 10 Ways You Can Help Save the Oceans
Environmental News Network Rainforest Foundation
Green Peace International Home Page World Wildlife Federation
NatureServe Conservation U.S. State Department: Environment and Conservation
National Wildlife Federation The Wilderness Society

Our Environment: Ecology Information to Help with Homework Assignments

Ecology Global Network: An excellent resource of the Worldwide Web regarding all facets of ecology and the environment

Kids Do Ecology: Learn about ecology

Kids' Ecology Corps: A non-profit ) organization whose mission it is to inspire young people to make environmental action part of their everyday lives and in the lives of those around them

Our Environment: Energy and Renewable Energy Information to Help with Homework Assignments
Renewable Energy Defined
Video: Renewable Engergy Explained What is Renewable Energy?
Green Power Defined Renewable Energy Defined for Students
Wikipedia: Renewable Energy Sources in the United States Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy

All Energy Types - Overview and Facts 30 Interesting Facts about Nuclear Power
The Energy Story for Kids World Nuclear Association Information Pages
Energy Kid's Page Hydroelectric Power - Overview and Facts
Kids and Energy Video:Hydropower
Video: Types of Renewable Energy Hydroelectric Power Facts
Geothermal Energy - Overview and Facts How Stuff Works: How Power Grids Work
Alliant Energy for Kids: Geothermal Energy Hydroelectric Power
Video: Geothermal Energy Solar Energy - Overview and Facts
Geothermal Energy Facts

Solar Energy Learning Videos

Geothermal Pictures from around the World Energy Kid's Page: Solar Energy
How Stuff Works: Geothermal Energy How Stuff Works: How Solar Cells Work
How Geothermal Energy Works Solar Energy Facts for Kids
Science for Kids: Geothermal Energy Facts Wind Energy - Overview and Facts
Nuclear Energy - Overview and Facts Energy Kid's Page: Wind Energy
Video: Nuclear fission

Wind Power Video

Energy Kid's Page: Nuclear Energy How Stuff Works: Wind Power
How Stuff Works: Nuclear Power How Wind Turbines Work
Science for Kids: Nuclear Power Facts National Geographic: Wind Power
Video: Quick Facts about Nuclear Energy in America Video: Wind Energy Facts at a Glance
  How Wind Turbines Work

Our Environment: Environmental Issues and Pollution Information to Help with Homework Assignments

Environmental Issues : Links to web pages about the environment; Links listed by subject: Global Warming, Renewable Energy, Green Living and Design, Health and Environment, Recycling, Biodiversity / Conservation, Pollution, Alternative and Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Energy and Waste

Air Pollution - Overview and Facts Global Warming - from Wikipedia
AIRNOW: Real Time Air Pollution Data Video: : Causes of Global Warming
Air Pollution and Health Risk New York Times: Global Warming
Clean Air Facts Ocean Pollution - Overview and Facts
Nova: Clean Air Technologies The Biggest Source of Ocean Pollution
The Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act Save Our Dying Oceans
Acid Rain - Overview and Facts Keep the Sea Plastic Free Informational Cartoon
National Geographic: Acid Rain Video: Ocean Pollution Facts
What is Acid Rain Video: Plastics are Polluting Our Oceans
How Stuff Works Acid Rain Facts Video: Oil Spills and Our Oceans
Acid Rain Program's Home Page
EPA: Acid Rain Kids Site
Recycling - Overview and Facts
Alternative Fuels - Overview and Facts Kids' Section: Why Recycling is so Important
How Stuff Works: Alternative Fuel
Science Daily: Alternative Fuel News All About Recycling
How Stuff Works: Recycling Guide
Wood Burning and Air Quality Video: Garbage: How to Cut Down on Waste
Video: Wood Smoke Exposure & Your Health Reduce, Reuse, Recycle U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Waste Reduction

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Planet Protectors Activities for Kids

Global Warming - Overview and Facts Kid's Recycling Guide
EEK for Kids: Global Warming The Ozone - Overview and Facts
Environmental Protection Agency EEk for Kids: What is the Ozone Layer?
Global Climate Change for Kids ESA Kids: Losing the Ozone Layer
Kids Against Global Warming National Geographic: Ozone Depletion
Global Warming - Kids' Page How Stuff Works: How the Ozone Layer Works
A Closer Look at Global Warming The Ozone Layer and Facts
Earth's Life Needs the Greenhouse Effect What is Depletion of the Ozone Layer?
Video: Global Warming Fast Facts What is the Ozone Hole?
35 Critical Facts about Global Warming The Ozone Layer

Our Environment: Our Oceans and Ocean Studies Information - Overview and Facts

National Geographic: The Ocean - Facts and Videos

Interesting Facts about Our Oceans Live Science: All About Seas
All about the Ocean
Video: 25 Facts about the Deep Ocean Ocean - from Wikipedia
Video: Ocean Facts Video: Mysterious Facts about the Ocean How the Earth Was Made: Oceans Video National Ocean Service: Facts about Our Oceans
Live Science: All About Oceans Tropical Oceans, Temperate Oceans, Shorelines

Our Environment: The Rainforest Information - Overview and Facts
Amazon Interactive The Rainforest: People, Animals, and Facts
Enchanted Learning for Kids: Rainforests Rainforest Animals
Rainforest Facts Fun Rainforest Facts

Our Environment: Images

Visualizations: Exploring Our Earth: Interactive modules with photos about our earth

Games to Learn More About Our Environment Kids' Games: Saving Energy
Cruise and Lose Ocean Pollution Game Our Environment Trivia Games

Educational Science Powerpoints to Help with Homework Assignments

Educational Science Videos to Help with Homework Assignments

Reference Sites to Help in Your Research

Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Encyclopedia Smithsonian features answers to frequently asked questions about the Smithsonian and links to Smithsonian resources from A to Z

Information Please: On-Line Dictionary; Encyclopedia; Almanac, and MORE's Our Environment Facts and How to Save Our Environment Homework Help Resource Page includes the best available information about Environmental Issues, Conservation of the Environment, Alternative Fuels, Recycling, Renewable Energy, Nuclear Energy, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric Energy, Wind Energy, Pollution of the Environment, Global Warming, the Ozone, Energy and Renewable Energy, the Earth's Oceans, Ocean Studies, World Biomes, the Rainforest, Ecology, and Interactive Games for Learning about the Environment.

Index School Subjects

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